Order Exercise Reps Sets Tempo Rest
A1. 1  Squats to hamstring stretch  10 2 controlled
A1. 2 Glute activations1523010
A1 Squats  20/15/12/10 4 2010 30
A2 Dynamic lunges / Plyometric lunges  40/30/24/20 4 201060
A3 Burpees, (chest to floor with hand release) 15 4 xxxx 30
A4 Supermans- (Lying face down- Lift upper off floor)  20/15/12/10 4 xxxx 60
A5 Push-ups  20/15/12/10 4 xxxx 30
A6 Sit-up  20/15/12/10 4 xxxx 60
B1 Scorpion stretch, mobility / flexibilty   8 2 30
B2 Glute stretch Pigeon pose 10 2 60 x
Reps: A rep is the number of times you perform a specific exercise

Sets: Is the number of cycles that you complete

Tempo: Tempo refers to how quickly you life the weight for each reputation of an exercise.
The first number relates to how many seconds you take to lower the weight (known as the eccentric phase)3
Second how long you pause at the bottom.(know as an isometric hold)0 Third when you move from the bottom to the top position (known as the concentric phase)1
Forth the pause at the top.0 
E;g 3010

Rest: The time in which you recovery. 

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